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Looks like a pretty good harvest! We like zucchini sliced and cooked on the grill with a little olive oil and sea salt. But our garden really was a washout this year, with rain practically every day in July. It was a sad little tomato patch :(

What a beautiful spot and healthy plants you have. There are so many people who garden in my town that community gardening is not available, but if it was I would take advantage because I don't know where to start. We did plant cherry tomato plants in buckets on our deck, and we have gotten about two dozen tomatoes. That's a small harvest, which is okay because many people lost all their plants to blight. It looks like you will be eating well right through the fall:)

Joanne ... yep, the simple recipes are sometimes the best. I also bought a food dehydrator and have been experimenting with making veggie "chips".

Sharon ... You should see my freezer. It's full of frozen veggies, including several big containers of whole tomatoes.

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