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Hi Kitty

How are you?

It's been a long time since I've posted but I'm still around :)

I hope that things are improving for you.

I found your post called "Seek not to be understood" to be very informative. I think what you write is true and it is hard for people who are not there to understand the magnitude of the disaster and what that means to the day-to-day life for someone who lived through it.

I guess it's difficult when most of us just take day-to-day living for granted..and I bet it's a case of you never know how hard things can be until it happens to yourself...

Hi, alwaysdare, it's wonderful to hear from you. :) I hope things are going OK with you. How's the job?

Things are improving. Well, life goes on, and I'm doing my part to move with it. The hurricane experience (being a "Katrina survivor") is not "in my face" all of the time now, as the immediate ground for my daily living. It's starting to become just a part of my life. But it's definitely a part, that as I said somewhere in my blog, I'll carry with me the rest of my life. But in a good way, I hope ... that's my intention, anyway.

Hi Kitty

Yeah things are going ok I suppose. I'm still trying to be patient with those other issues, I guess.

Work is going well :) I've passed my 3-month probation period, and so that is good. I'm learning a lot and just trying to get experience at this stage.

Work is probably one of the major things that keep me going at the moment as it acts as a kind of distraction. Plus, it feels good to be helping people out too, so yeah, it's definitely a positive factor for me at the moment.

"Things are improving. Well, life goes on, and I'm doing my part to move with it. The hurricane experience (being a "Katrina survivor") is not "in my face" all of the time now, as the immediate ground for my daily living. It's starting to become just a part of my life. But it's definitely a part, that as I said somewhere in my blog, I'll carry with me the rest of my life. But in a good way, I hope ... that's my intention, anyway."

What are things like for you now though? Have you managed to get the basics back together yet in terms of general living? Were you able to get back into work yet?--I think you mentioned that you used to be a journalist, is that right?

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