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i feel so much sadness...but i do sense some hope in your words - you are moving on to a new place and new adventures
be safe on your upcoming journey ;)

That's pretty much how I feel, Marlaine. Very sad, and at the same time excited, with a strong feeling of peacefulness underneath. Doors closing, doors opening. For the record, I'll be continuing this blog. The journey ain't nearly over yet. :)

wow, it's so different when you look at the pictures and read the text as well. You really get a feeling for what it must be like.

"The strength, resilience, and just plain guts these people have is magnificent, yet I can't help being concerned about them. In many ways, they are still extremely vulnerable. Something very bad happened here, and we will carry this with us for the rest of our lives, no matter where we go or what we do."

That's true, but I get the feeling that if you can handle this katrina crisis, then you can handle pretty much anything else in life :)

It sounds like you are really starting to move on, and that's good.

I wonder though Kitty, since going through Katrina, what are the most important life lessons you got from it? I mean, did the Katrina disater make you realize what is truly important in this life?

And defitely keep blogging, I love reading your posts becuase they make me stop for a bit and just think about things more deeply :)

alwaysdare, thanks so much for your words -- it's nice to know that I'm connecting with other people with what I'm doing here. That makes me very happy. :)

I hesitated at first to label what happened with the hurricane "very bad", because I realize that is a judgment, and not the only one possible. There is a part of me just observing all of this, not making that judgment. On the other hand, I want to be in reality as much as possible, and at the level of being human in the world we're living in now, it was pretty bad. It feels important to me to honor that.

"That's true, but I get the feeling that if you can handle this katrina crisis, then you can handle pretty much anything else in life :)"

You are right about that!! As far as the other life lessons from Katrina, well ... right now, I'm so full with this experience. So many things I'm seeing ... things I thought I already "knew", that I'm now getting at deeper levels. The lessons are still in progress. I'm curious to see how what I'm learning plays out in my life. I guess that's partly what this blog will be about.

Kitty: Yep, it does feel good to be able to connect and relate to what other people are going through and I can definitely pick up on those vibes from your blog :)

Yeah, thinking about the hurricane as "very bad" is as you say a label. And it could be a stupid label too because you can learn so much from these kinds of events. Who knows, in some weird way, this event could actually have saved your life in a way you can not yet imagine :)

Kitty, as always, I am wishing you all the best of happiness and love and good karma and safe travels..I look at the pictures and smile and cry all at the same time. You all are Katrina survivors....along with the 9/11 survivors...I hope that the Universities and higher education institutes study Katrina and we learn from it. It overwhelms me and I don't live there...the survivors are amazing...you are all pillars of strength and optimism....wherever you go, you will carry its memories and spread the word so we don't forget and learn from it.

Hugs and best wishes!

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